2021.12.19 — CHRISTMAS PARTY!
Escaping game at Irvine Spectrum Center. Successfully escaped!! 60mins counting down, with 30secs left --- A team trust each other, and never give up, even at the very last minute :)
2021.12.10 — NEW LAB SPACE IS READY!!!
Our lab is officially set up at ISEB! So excited with the new journey!
2021.12.08 — PRESENTATION
Fangyuan Ding gave an invited virtual seminar in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
2021.11.17 — NEWS
Welcome Omar Ibrahim and Ziteng Tony Liu joining the lab!​
2020.11.08 — GUEST LECTURE
Fangyuan Ding gave a guest lecture in the Critical Thinking in Systems Biology. Thanks Prof. Arthur Lander for the invitation!
2021.10.06 — NEWS
Our very first in person (hybrid) group meeting in the new ISEB building! Special one during the pandemic, all with masks:) Thanks Prof. Seu Sim help us take the group photo!​
2021.09.17 — NEWS
Welcome Thao Nguyen for the 2021 Fall rotation!
2021.08.13 — PRESENTATION
Fangyuan Ding gave a virtual class in the 2021 Systems Biology – Foundations ‘mini’ Short Course.
2021.07.22 — NEWS
Welcome Zihang Howard Yan joining the lab!
The Ding lab undergraduate researcher team win ALL the submitted summer research applications (2 group UROP proposals and 3 individual SURP applications)! Congratulations!
2021.05.26 — NEWS
Nima received the UCI DCE scholarship! Congratulations!
2021.05.24 — NEWS
Welcome Michelle Amalraj joining the lab!
2021.05.21 — NEWS
Guohao passed the BME preliminary exam! Congratulations!
The Ding lab undergraduate researcher team participates the UROP/SURP program for the very first time!! submitted 2 group UROP proposals and 3 individual SURP applications. Now, finger crossed!
2021.03.17 — NEWS
Welcome Guohao Liang officially joining the lab as the very first graduate student! Looking forwards to the super exciting journey together in the next few years!
2021.03.02 — MICROSCOPE
Our very first microscope was officially installed! So happy with the new IX83 system!
2021.01.07 — NEWS
Welcome Travis Nguyen and Alexander (Olek) Pisera for their 2021 Winter rotation!
2020.12 — NEWS
Welcome Mengke Wang joining the lab!
2020.11.20 — PRESENTATION
Fangyuan Ding gave an invited virtual seminar in the RNA club.
2020.11.18 — NEWS
Welcome Samantha Sanchez joining the lab!
2020.10.26 — MICROSCOPE DEMO
Achieved our very first microscope demo under the pandemic! Thanks Prof. Zoran Nenadic for the support!
2020.10.19 — EXPERIMENTS!!
Guohao did a PCR run today, the very first benchwork in the Ding lab!! Thanks Prof. Elliot Hui accommodating us in his lab during this pandemic! Thanks Prof. Chang Liu sharing his gel imaging room with us!
2020.10.15 — PRESENTATION
Fangyuan Ding gave an invited virtual presentation in the Developmental and Cell Biology Seminar Series.
2020.10.13 — GUEST LECTURE
Fangyuan Ding gave a guest lecture in the BME1. Thanks Prof. Jered Haun for the invitation!
2020.10 — NEWS
Welcome Xiaojun (Sylvia) Chen joining the lab!
2020.09.14 — FIRST GROUP MEETING!!!
We have our very first group meeting! A very special one via Zoom, thanks to the pandemic :)
2020.09 — NEWS
Welcome Guohao Liang joining the lab as our very first graduate rotation student!
Welcome Nima Shirooni joining the lab as our very first undergraduate researcher!
2020.08.25 — PRESENTATION
Fangyuan Ding gave an invited virtual presentation in the Mathematical, Computational and Systems Biology Graduate Programs (MCSB) Summer Seminar Series.
Dynamics and functional roles of splicing factor autoregulation. link
2020.07.24 — PRESENTATION
Fangyuan Ding gave an invited virtual presentation at the BPPB (Biological Physics/Physical Biology) seminar (together with Prof. Ned Wingreen).
2020.07.01 — NEW JOURNEY STARTS!
Fangyuan Ding officially left Caltech and joined UCI - Department of Biomedical Engineering.